Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Cultivates a Sustainable Legacy

Mitsubishi Motors Philippines is cultivating a sustainable legacy by nurturing education and the environment.

Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporation (MMPC) is committed to making a positive impact on society, both in environmental conservation and education. In recent years, the company has undertaken two significant initiatives that exemplify this commitment.

The first initiative is a 100-hectare forestation project in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The project has planted various species of trees on three different sites in Luzon, helping to rehabilitate riverbanks and prevent soil erosion. The project is also helping to improve air quality and provide a habitat for wildlife.


The second initiative is the Balik-Baterya Scholarship Program, which provides scholarships to senior high school students in the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track. The program is funded by proceeds from the recycling of used lead-acid batteries, which are a major environmental hazard. The scholarships help to ensure that young people have the opportunity to pursue a career in the automotive industry, while also reducing the environmental impact of lead-acid battery disposal.

MMPC Tree Planting Ceremony 2-4_LWheels

These two initiatives are just a few examples of MMPC’s commitment to sustainability. The company is also working to reduce its own environmental impact by investing in energy-efficient technologies and implementing waste management programs.

Balik-Baterya Scholarship Program MOA Signing-3_LWheels

MMPC’s sustainability efforts are not only good for the environment, but they are also good for the community. The forestation project is creating jobs and providing a habitat for wildlife, while the Balik-Baterya Scholarship Program is helping to educate and train the next generation of automotive professionals.

Balik-Baterya Scholarship Program MOA Signing 1-2_LWheels

MMPC is a company that is committed to making a difference. By investing in sustainability, the company is creating a better future for the environment and for the Filipino people.

Balik Baterya Scholarship Awarding-1_LWheels

    If you would like to learn more about the company’s sustainability initiatives, please visit their website.

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